/Malpractice Insurance

The Liability of Not Having the Right Liability

Insurance language can be confusing. And while it’s not meant to cause anxiety and confusion, the terms, definitions and knowing what is actually covered can be frustrating. Let’s start with the basics of Professional Liability and General Liability. General Liability and Malpractice Insurance for Optometrists Malpractice insurance is designed to cover you while you are [...]

Avoid 5 Common Malpractice Claims

Unfortunately, every practice is exposed to risk, and with risk comes the potential of a lawsuit. This article outlines the 5 most common malpractice claims and tips on how to avoid them. Inadequate Informed Consent – Having the proper informed consent documents for each patient is critical and one of the easiest areas of your [...]

By | March 15th, 2016|Malpractice Insurance|0 Comments