
Claims-Made Versus Occurrence: Knowing Your Malpractice Policy

Originally published on August 4th, 2016. Last updated on June 17, 2024. As a doctor of optometry, it's important to know which types of coverage are available so you can make the best choice to protect yourself. Read on to learn about an important coverage distinction available to optometrists — claims-made or occurrence coverage.   [...]

By | July 23rd, 2024|Insurance tips, Malpractice Insurance|0 Comments

Why Optometric Practices Need Business Owner’s Insurance (BOP)

Your practice’s office building, its contents, your fellow ODs and other employees are crucial elements to the success of your practice and ability to provide outstanding patient care. Imagine the consequences for your practice if there were a serious accident, fire or theft. These disasters can impact your ability to care for patients and run [...]

By | May 3rd, 2024|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Questions Doctors of Optometry Frequently Ask About Malpractice Insurance

For a doctor of optometry, comprehensive malpractice coverage can be helpful beyond paying the high cost of legal fees and judgments—it can help protect you and your practice from the stress of handling a claim alone. Lockton Affinity’s AOA-endorsed Malpractice insurance coverage was developed with hands-on involvement by doctors of optometry. Even with endorsed coverage [...]

By | March 18th, 2024|Malpractice Insurance|0 Comments

8 Common Claims Optometrists Face

There are numerous common claims optometrists face, and they can vary greatly in severity and damage. Read on to learn about some of the common claims optometrists face and how you can protect your practice against them. Common Claims Optometrists Face — Malpractice-related claims As a medical professional, there is always a chance of a [...]

By | December 20th, 2023|Insurance tips, Risk management|0 Comments

How to Improve Cyber Security in Just One Month

Cyber security is important, but for a busy practice like yours, it may be hard to focus on. Perhaps you worry it will take too much time or money, or you feel a topic like cyber security is best left to the experts. But, taking control of your cyber security is easier, cheaper and quicker [...]

By | October 6th, 2023|Cyber Liability insurance, Practice Owners|0 Comments

Reducing Employment Practices Claims

5 Tips to Improve Hiring Practices for Optometric Support Staff to Reduce Employment Practices Claims Hiring and retaining quality optometric support staff can be a challenge. Candidate pools may be limited, recruiting resources may be low and finding the time for the hiring process is tricky. A competitive job market can make things even harder, [...]

Shared Limits vs. Separate Limits

With your Malpractice insurance from Lockton Affinity, you will select a limit of coverage. There are multiple options and nuances with limits, and it can help to have a basic understanding to select the best limit option for your situation. An insurance limit, or limit of liability, is the maximum amount the insurance company will [...]

By | July 17th, 2023|Insurance tips, Malpractice Insurance|0 Comments

Filing a Malpractice Claim as a Lockton Affinity Policyholder

While rare, most malpractice claims allege negligence on the part of the optometrist and a failure to adhere to the standard of care that results in an injury to the patient. A poor outcome, even when an optometrist has done everything correctly, can be interpreted by a patient as negligence. Common malpractice claims include: Failure [...]

By | May 11th, 2023|Insurance tips, Malpractice Insurance|0 Comments

Group Malpractice Insurance Benefits from Lockton Affinity

While the transition to a group practice is an exciting opportunity for doctors of optometry, it is important to understand the risks associated with malpractice insurance coverage for group practices.   Risks of maintaining separate malpractice insurance Doctors of optometry know that malpractice insurance is required in order to practice. However, if you allow each [...]

By | March 22nd, 2023|Malpractice Insurance|0 Comments

Questions About Insurance for Doctors of Optometry

Lockton Affinity partnered with the American Optometric Association more than a decade ago to meet the complex insurance needs of doctors of optometry. Developed with hands-on involvement by ODs, our policies and services meet the many nuances required of ODs and their insurance. Read on to learn more through our frequently asked questions.   Questions [...]