
The Liability of Not Having the Right Liability

Insurance language can be confusing. And while it’s not meant to cause anxiety and confusion, the terms, definitions and knowing what is actually covered can be frustrating. Let’s start with the basics of Professional Liability and General Liability. General Liability and Malpractice Insurance for Optometrists Malpractice insurance is designed to cover you while you are [...]

The Language of Insurance for Optometrists

Insurance comes with its own language and it can be confusing; making the process of buying insurance feel overly burdensome.  We want to ensure that you feel comfortable and confident in purchasing insurance as a practicing optometrist, and have outlined the most common terms you may come across. The Language of Insurance for Optometrists Malpractice [...]

By | June 14th, 2016|Insurance tips|0 Comments

Cyber Breaches Of Patient Records, HIPAA Regulations… And How To Protect Your Practice.

Cyber data breaches of information, a relatively new phenomenon, are in many ways uncharted territory, with healthcare providers a frequent target. Many optometrists feel they are “too small” for a cyber attack of any kind, falsely thinking because they are not a big box store or national brand that no one would bother with their [...]

By | May 24th, 2016|Cyber Liability insurance|0 Comments

7 Things Every Optometrist Needs To Know About Insurance Coverage

Whether you’re a seasoned optometrist with 30 years of practice under your belt, or a newly minted professional just starting out, having the right liability insurance is essential. Every practice is different, with diverse coverage needs and circumstances. Here are just a few of the questions optometrists often ask Lockton Affinity, administrator of the AOA [...]

By | April 9th, 2016|Insurance tips|0 Comments

Avoid 5 Common Malpractice Claims

Unfortunately, every practice is exposed to risk, and with risk comes the potential of a lawsuit. This article outlines the 5 most common malpractice claims and tips on how to avoid them. Inadequate Informed Consent – Having the proper informed consent documents for each patient is critical and one of the easiest areas of your [...]

By | March 15th, 2016|Malpractice Insurance|0 Comments