As you progress in your career, your insurance needs will change. From recent graduates to retirement, Lockton Affinity provides access to a variety of insurance policies that can help safeguard you, your family and your practice throughout it all.
How Your Liability Insurance Needs May Change: You Join the Workforce
Recently graduated? As you begin practicing, the first piece of coverage you will need is malpractice insurance. Malpractice insurance covers certain costs resulting from claims and litigation brought against you for the services you provide as an optometrist.
The Lockton Affinity difference: Graduates and newly practicing optometrists receive steep discounts on their first two years of Malpractice insurance from Lockton Affinity. Get 50% off your first year of coverage and 25% off your second year.
How Your Liability Insurance Needs May Change: You Settle into Your Career
Just like you need malpractice insurance upon entry into the workforce, you will continue to need it, as long as you are involved in patient care. In fact, malpractice insurance is legally required for doctors of optometry in some states.
Good malpractice coverage can be helpful beyond paying for the high cost of legal fees and judgements, as it can help protect you and your practice from the stress of handling a claim alone.
The Lockton Affinity difference: Lockton Affinity’s Malpractice insurance offers many unique benefits including:
- Endorsed by the AOA
- Coverage for all optometric services within your state’s defined scope of practice
- Coverage for billing errors and omissions and defense for HIPAA claims
- Telehealth coverage
- The services of an experienced malpractice attorney in the event of a lawsuit
- Up to $500 per day due to suspension of practice during a hearing or trial
- Access to group coverage
How Your Liability Insurance Needs May Change: You Open Your Own Practice
If you choose to open your own practice or join a group of practices, there are policies you will need beyond malpractice insurance.
- BOP—A business owners policy (BOP) combines several important policies into one convenient package. Often, BOPs include property, general liability and business interruption insurance.
- EPLI— Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) protects you from claims that may be made against you as an employer, including those stemming from claims associated with the employment process.
- Cyber Liability— As a business owner, you have a responsibility to protect
your business records and your patients’ personal information. Cyber liability insurance helps cover the high costs that come from any theft or breach of patient data.
- Group Malpractice—If there is more than one optometrist in your practice, you can purchase a group malpractice policy. This policy will be shared between you and the others in your group, including premium costs and policy limits.
The Lockton Affinity difference: Lockton Affinity offers these policies and more for AOA members. From the very beginning, this program was developed with hands-on involvement by optometrists to ensure the right policies and benefits were offered. Best of all, there are options available to meet your specific needs whether you practice individually or in a group.
Meeting Your Insurance Needs Now and in the Future
Lockton Affinity has been offering best-in-class insurance for health professionals for more than 30 years. Our dedicated team understands the risks you face whether you are a recent graduate, are settled in your career or own your own practice.
Help protect your future and meet all your insurance needs with Lockton Affinity. Get started today at or (888) 343-1998.